Watheroo Walk Trails: Watheroo National Park
Watheroo National Park covers a total span of 44,324 hectares from Coorow to Watheroo of which 12,000 ha is in the Shire of Moora.
There are no formal walks through this park apart from Jingemia Cave (Trail 10) and access roads are mostly gravel. People are encouraged to take a drive and stop to view the landscape in safe places.
Watheroo National Park is sandplain country which hosts an abundance of wildflowers, with the best season being between late July and early November. Vegetation includes
low sandplain Heath, Banksia and Mallee thickets with tall Eucalypts on the West side of Park. Other species include spinifex, Wandoo and York gum. Some of the wildflowers found within the park include many Featherflowers (verticordias) including the Bush Cauliflower and the Scarlet Featherflower.
Length: n/a
Difficulty: n/a
Trail signposted: No
Terrain: Bush
Wheelchair accessible: No
Flora highlights: Extensive wildflower
Download the Walks in the Shire of Moora Eco Trails brochure here: https://www.moora.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Walks-in-the-Shire-of-Moora.pdf
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