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Moora Walk Trails: Karamarra Reserve

This 56ha reserve is located 8km west of Moora on the Dandaragan Road. Pull in parking is available on Price’s Road 200m from the Dandaragan Road intersection.

There are no formal walks here, but venture into the bush and experience a number of different vegetation types within a stones throw. Casuarina obesa (Sheoak) grow in the wetter soils along Dandaragan Road, directly north is gravel country with thick Melaleuca and prickly Hakeas, and to the north west is sandier York Gum woodland.

The reserve is best enjoyed in the winter/spring months when the seemingly dull bush bursts into colour. Each soil type puts on a  different show so give yourself plenty of time to enjoy it all.


Length: n/a
Difficulty: Medium – Hard
Trail signposted: No
Terrain: Dirt tracks, gravel, bush
Wheelchair accessible: No
Flora highlights: Spider orchids and Purple Enamel orchids

Download the Walks in the Shire of Moora Eco Trails brochure here: https://www.moora.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Walks-in-the-Shire-of-Moora.pdf

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