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  3. Moora Walk Trails: Cemetery / Airstrip Road Reserve

Moora Walk Trails: Cemetery / Airstrip Road Reserve

Next door to the town cemetery and part of an open 4WD recreation track, this 12ha sandy site is open for a ramble (apply caution if there are 4WD vehicles using the track). Park at the cemetery or off Airstrip Road and wander through. There are some magnificent plant specimens to be seen from Smoke Bush (Conospermum), Emu
Bush (Eremophilas), Wattles (Acacias) and Honey-Myrtles (Melaleucas) to huge Donkey
orchids, Lemon Scented Sun Orchids, Catspaws and Spider orchids.

Keep an eye out for the local blue tongued lizards (Bobtails) and kangaroos.


Length: n/a
Difficulty: Easy -Medium
Trail signposted: No
Terrain: Dirt/sand tracks, bush
Wheelchair accessible: Yes
Flora highlights: Donkey orchids, catspaws

Download the Walks in the Shire of Moora Eco Trails brochure here: https://www.moora.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Walks-in-the-Shire-of-Moora.pdf

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