Playgroup provides opportunities for children to socialize, learn through play, and develop important skills such as communication, sharing, and cooperation. Join other parents and their children for a cuppa and a chat and a play.
Moora Playgroup runs every Monday, during school term, from 9.30-11.30am at the Moora Bowling Club. It is for children from 0 to 5 years and their parents or guardians.
Moora Bowling Club
101 Gardiner St Moora
Moora WA 6510
Opening Hours
Monday 9:30 – 10.30am
Tarlee Brown: 0499994170
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Moora Bowling Club
82 Gardiner Street
Moora WA 6510
Opening Hours
Monday 9:30 – 10.30am
Tarlee Brown: 0499994170