Moora Lions Club
Lions Clubs are a part of community life in towns and cities across the world, and Moora is no exception. Just like their counterparts, they are here to make our community better.
Lions Clubs International was formed in 1917 by a Chicago business leader, Melvin Jones, who wondered what would happen if people used their talents to improve their communities. Jump forward to today, and there are 1.4 million Lions, 50,000 Lions Clubs, and 200 + countries and regions served.
Our Motto is “Don’t Follow Us, Join us” and Moora Lions would love to have lots of new members and their ideas to put into practice. For more information, please call Maureen or Clive Tonkin on 9651 8060.
The group meet on the first and third Thursday of the month from 6.50pm, at the Moora Equestrian Park, 300 Dandaragan St Moora.
9651 8060 (President Clive Tonkin)
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9651 8060 (President Clive Tonkin)