Elders Rural Services
Elders has been an agribusiness leader since 1839. An iconic brand right throughout rural and regional Australia. Our focus is to assist primary producers to find success with their agriculture business/personal goals.
Elders is a leading service provider in a wide range of rural services including but not limited to: Livestock, Insurance, Ag Chem, Agronomy, Wool, Banking and Real Estate.
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59 Padbury St
Moora WA 6510
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5pm
Saturday – 8am – 12noon
DG _Moora@elders.com.au
Livestock and Wool: we provide dedicated Agents/staff to assist our farmers in production/sale of quality animals to both domestic and international markets.
Rural Services: suppliers of farm inputs including Seed, Fertiliser, Chemicals. Providing a range of animal health products – drenches, vaccines, blocks along with General merchandise.
Financial Services: Rural Bank can provide for your banking, funding and financial planning. Elders insurance supporting partnership (Underwritten by QBE Insurance Ltd) and agents statewide.
Our accredited Agronomist is also available to help prepare you with your cropping and farm plans, soil/plant and water testing as well as all your agronomy needs.
Real Estate: assisting in marketing your Farm/Station or residential properties.
We also conduct very successful Clearing Sales.
59 Padbury St
Moora WA 6510
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5pm
Saturday – 8am – 12noon
DG _Moora@elders.com.au
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Connect on Social
59 Padbury St
Moora WA 6510
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5pm
Saturday – 8am – 12noon
DG _Moora@elders.com.au