The official gazetted townsite of Moora is home to 6 towns that offer unique attractions, community facilities and support a diverse range of economic opportunities and industries including wheat; sheep; cattle; pigs; farming; concrete works; wildflowers; silicon quartz mining; granite quarry; pine plantations; citrus; olives and so much more!
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Coomberdale is a small town located along the Midlands Road between Moora and Watheroo in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia.

The Midland Railway Company constructed a railway siding in 1895 when the Midland to Walkaway line was opened. The town’s name comes from a well that was named by the explorer Alexander Forrest when he surveyed a property for Edmund King who settled there in 1866.

The Coomberdale Hall, a timber framed, weatherboard clad structure with a corrugated iron roof, was built in about 1920. It is now heritage listed, and used as an adjunct to the adjoining community centre.

Coomberdale is a multi-industry area that includes grain farming, a silicon producer, Simcoa, has a quartz mine close to the town, Western Wildflower Farm, a primarily an exporter of dried wildflowers, is also located in Coomberdale as is Westways Wildflowers that hosts 4wd wildflower tours.

Coomberdale Walk Trails

Dalaroo Reserve

Located 7km to the north of Moora, the Dalaroo Reserve is a former townsite which derived its name from nearby Lake Dalaroo. The name is believed to be Aboriginal, of unknown meaning, and was first recorded by a surveyor in 1848. The townsite was gazetted in 1914. This reserve has recently had a conservation upgrade with fencing and a walk trail to help preserve the native vegetation and also the cultural heritage as an old Aboriginal camp. The vegetation here is a mixture of riparian scrubland with saltbush, Melaleucas and Sheoaks, and taller York Gum & Salmon Gum woodland vegetation with a good quality understory. Even though it is a small reserve, the remnant vegetation is a good mix and important habitat for native birds and animals.

Length: 800m return
Difficulty: Easy
Trail signposted: Yes
Terrain: Dirt Track
Wheelchair accessible: Yes
Flora highlights: Hakeas, Everlastings