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Moora Walk Trails: Wheatbin Road Reserve / Old Reserve

5km south of town on Wheatbin Road, this 24ha reserve is easily accessible for a quick walk with a number of tracks which can be utilised. Use the suggested route or make your own. Parking is informal along Wheatbin Road.

The reserve soil changes from gravel to sandy loam and so does the vegetation. Hakea, Dryandra (Banksia), Allocasuarina thicket gives way to Acacia and York gum woodland to the south dotted with Balgas (grass trees). The prickly thickets are attractive for small birds to feed and hide. The blue Calytrix leschenaultii (starflower) is sensational when in flower. Cowslip and Blue China orchids can be seen during the winter months, and the reserve becomes a carpet of everlastings in wetter years.

The name Old Reserve refers to the area being an Aboriginal settlement up until the 1970’s.


Length: 1.5km (45mins)
Difficulty: Easy – Medium
Trail signposted: No
Terrain: Gravel tracks, bush
Wheelchair accessible: Yes
Flora highlights: Blue Calytrix, carpets of wild-flowers

Download the Walks in the Shire of Moora Eco Trails brochure here: https://www.moora.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Walks-in-the-Shire-of-Moora.pdf

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