Magic Cottage Child Care Centre
Moora District Child Care Centre is part of the Magic Cottage family. The centre cares for 28 children and is focused on the education of children as they grow and explore. The focus of the centre is providing care for toddler and Kindy children (age 2 and up) and will include a school readiness program to prepare them for school as the time approaches.
Magic Cottage’s passion is to support the town of Moora by providing exceptional child care. The centre focuses on the needs of our youngest children, with a dedicated space for children up to 2 years old.
For more information, visit our website or contact us on (08) 9651 1194 or
New Centre Being Built!
We are excited to announce that the Shire of Moora is currently building a new purpose-built centre! It will be opened in 2024. The map found in the images below indicates where the new centre will be located.
9651 1194
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16 Keane Street,
Moora WA 6510
9651 1194