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Moora Baptist Church

Baptist Churches Western Australia exists to serve Baptist churches, agencies and institutions by doing those activities which are better achieved when we work together.

Baptist Churches Western Australia (BCWA) is the cooperative expression of local Baptist churches, agencies and institutions, working together to better serve our communities in Jesus’ name. Together, we strive to live the reconciled lives Jesus has made possible.

Our journey began in 1896 when four West Australian Baptist churches formed The Baptist Union of Western Australia

Their goal was to engage more effectively in mission work, which at the time, was focused overseas.

Over more than 125 years, we’ve evolved to become theologically diverse, multicultural, and cross-generational association of 110 churches and other agencies. Each is committed to genuine unity, showcasing generosity and respect as we work together to achieve more.


Cnr Ranfurly Street & Edgar Lewis Place 
Moora WA 6510

Opening Hours

Sunday 9am-2pm


(08) 9651 1414  | 0417 976 409

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Cnr Ranfurly Street & Edgar Lewis Place 
Moora WA 6510

Opening Hours

Sunday 9am-2pm


(08) 9651 1414  | 0417 976 409

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  3. Moora Baptist Church