Central Regional TAFE Moora
Our Moora campus is the hub for training and education in the Northern region of the Wheatbelt. Located 175 kms away from Perth and 279 South East of Geraldton, this prosperous community and surrounds is home to approximately 6,000 people throughout the Shires of Dalwallinu, Wongan Hills, Dandaragan, Gingin, Chittering and Moora. The locality of Moora is considered the most substantial wheat belt town between Geraldton and Perth.
Due to the unique location of this town and campus, a diverse range of commercial opportunities exist, particularly in the areas of agriculture and business.
Central Regional TAFE aims to cater for the diverse needs of the community by remaining committed to making your training experience as positive as possible.
Due to our commitment to providing quality training, Central Regional TAFE is able to offer customised, flexible and online options for individuals to suit your individual needs for family, work and lifestyle commitments.
As commercial training providers we are also able to offer training to suit the needs of your business and staff by providing accredited training suited to your requirements.
242 Berkshire Valley Road
Moora WA 6510
Moora | Central Regional Tafe
1800 672 700
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242 Berkshire Valley Road
Moora WA 6510
Moora | Central Regional Tafe
1800 672 700